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Meet the Practitioner - Root Origins
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Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here
and excited to be a part of your journey back to health!

I wish I could say I had a profound story of how I came to naturopathic medicine, but sadly that is not the case. It was something I seemingly stumbled upon and thought “hey, that sounds pretty cool”. My intuition pushed me to apply to medical school, and now, nearly 11 years later, I’m so happy that I trusted my gut. Being someone who was always semi-health conscious, but very misinformed of what being “healthy” actually means, my education and career in naturopathic medicine has been the greatest gift to myself and my family. I truly believe in the bodies innate healing abilities and the power we have to manifest our own health and happiness.

As a naturopathic doctor, I hope to create an environment that you feel safe and heard. Often times in the western medical world, we are rushed through appointments, our questions are brushed off, and we’re pressured into treatments we’re not comfortable with. This is the exact opposite of how I want you to feel after having an appointment with me. We’ll take time to thoroughly investigate all aspects of your health, discuss the possible causes of the symptoms you’re experiencing, and explore all of our options to address those causes. I believe my primary job is to educate you, my patient, on how to correct the imbalances we discover, and together, we can create a plan that meets you were you’re at. Not everyone will be ready to make changes at the same pace and I respect and trust that you can and will do what’s best for you.


My journey to becoming a mother and now breastfeeding for a year+ has fueled my passion to educate and support women prenatally and in early postpartum days that are so trying. I have learned how devastatingly unsupported TTC, pregnant, and postpartum women are. Additionally, there is so much misinformation about normal, healthy childbirth that I am eager to shed some light on. I am currently working on earning my IBCLC to be able to further support women because breastfeeding can be HARD. I also hope to one day teach a childbirth course to help reduce fear over this very normal process.

In my free time, I love spending time with my husband, son, and our 4 fur babies. Together, we enjoy camping, hiking, heading to the lake, and listening to live music.

